An usbmon text output dissection
Some quick commands to before running usbmon:
# mount -t debugfs none_debugs /sys/kernel/debug
# modprobe usbmon
# cat /proc/bus/usb/devices
/*to find out the usb devices number on the usb bus*/
# cat /sys/kernel/debug/usb/usbmon/2u > /tmp/mon.out
As an example, a control packet:
f4ae6f40 1217192721 S Co:2:018:0 s 21 ff 0000 0000 0000 0
f4ae6f40 - URB Tag
1217192721 - Timestamp in microseconds
S - Event Type, S is submission
Co:2:018:0 - "Address". It consists of four fields, separated by colons: URB type and direction, Bus number, Device address, and Endpoint number. Co is Control output.
s - URB Status. This is a letter, so 's' is Setup Tag of control packet. It can also be several numbers separated by colons.
21 ff 0000 0000 0000 - Setup packet, if present, consists of 5 words: one of each for bmRequestType, bRequest, wValue, wIndex, wLength
0 - Data Length. For submissions, this is the requested length. For callbacks,this is the actual length.
Now we will look at mass storage device enumeration within the USB gadget framework. The USB gadget framework is available in Linux and U-boot.
USB halt and wedge feature:
Two types of events may cause a USB halt condition.
1) The device did not receive a handshake packet from USB host after communication.
2) The device receive set halt request from the host
Set halt and set wedge are basically the same, with the difference that, the device will ignore clear halt request from the host if device is in set wedge condition.
USB mass storage gadget enumeration steps:
The USB code can be divided into two parts: Usb Mass storage gadget code and Usb device controller code.
Firstly, the host PC sends the setup data to get descriptors from Usb device. It is performed using control transfer.
So the Usb chip receives it and interrupt is triggered.
In Usb device controller code,
myudc_isr(void) [the interrupt
reads the IVECT register and gets 0x00 value. It passes
control to gadget code
fsg_setup(struct usb_gadget
*gadget, const struct usb_ctrlrequest *ctrl)
The setup data is processed, the response is prepared. If
there is data to send out to EP0, the device controller function
my_ep_queue(struct usb_ep *ep,
struct usb_request *req, gfp_t gfp_flags)
is called to send out the data.

After device, configuration, interface, endpoint, string descriptors are received
by the host PC, the host PC detects the Usb device as a mass storage
device (that is for a Usb mass storage device).
Device Descriptors:
As an example, the device descriptor is dissected here.
First Byte : bLength (the size of the descriptors in bytes) 0x12
Second Byte: bDescriptor (device descriptor) 0x1
3rd-4th Byte: bcdUSB (USB spec number) 0x0002
5th Byte: bDeviceClass (class code) 0x00
6th Byte: bDeviceSubClass (subclass code) 0x00
7th Byte: bDeviceProtocol (protocol code) 0x00
8th Byte: bMaxPacketSize (max. packet size) 0x40
9-10 Byte: idVendor (vendor ID) 0x2505
11-12 Byte: idProduct (product ID) 0xA5A4
13-14 Byte: bcdDevice (device release number) 0x0103
15th byte: iManufacturer (index of manufacturer string desc) 0x01
16th byte: iProduct (index of product string desc) 0x02
17th byte: iSerialNumber (index of serial num. string desc) 0x03
18th byte: bNumConfigurations (number of possible config.) 0x01
Next step, the host PC will send SCSI commands to Usb device. The SCSI command
is wrapped in CBW and sent using bulk transfer.

So the Usb chip
receives it and interrupt is triggered. In Usb device controller code,
myudc_isr(void) [the interrupt
reads the IVECT register and gets 0x28 value for EP1 OUT
IRQ. The data is read from FIFO, and sent to gadget function
bulk_out_complete(struct usb_ep
*ep, struct usb_request *req)
in gadget code. This function will wake up thread in
get_next_command((struct fsg_dev *fsg) and the thread will process the SCSI
command. The get_next_command()
is waiting for a buffer, which must be the same as the buffer returned by
interrupt handler.
Again, if there is data to be replied to host PC, the device
controller function
my_ep_queue(struct usb_ep
*ep, struct usb_request *req, gfp_t gfp_flags)
is called to send data to EP1 IN using bulk transfer.
After that, for every SCSI command, the gadget code will
call gadget function
send_status(struct fsg_dev *fsg)
to prepare the CSW, and CSW is sent to the host PC using
device controller function
my_ep_queue(struct usb_ep
*ep, struct usb_request *req, gfp_t
via EP1 IN.
The Transfer Protocol:
The Bulk Only Transport (BOT) is defined by Usb mass storage specification. It defines how Usb host can use bulk transfer to send commands and receives response from Usb device.
In the first transfer, the host sends a command in a structure called a Command Block Wrapper (CBW). The CBW is 31 byte in length. Many CBWs are followed by a transfer that contains data sent to the host or device.
For example, the CBW structure of a SCSI Inquiry command:
dCBWSignature 0x55 0x53 0x42 0x43
dCBWDataTransferLength 0x24
bCBWCBLength 0x06 (The valid length of CBWCB in bytes)
Operation Code 0x12
enableVitalProductData false
commandSupportData 0x0
page or opcode 0x0
allocation length 0x24
control 0x0
In the final transfer, the device returns status in a structure called a Command Status Wrapper (CSW).
CSW structure:
dCSWSignature 0x55 0x53 0x42 0x43
dCSWDataResidue 0x0
bCSWStatus 0x0
The SCSI Commands:
The SCSI commands used by the Usb mass storage device are from SCSI Primary Commands (SPC-2) and SCSI Block Commands (SBC-2).
Some of the commonly used commands, together with the command codes, are listed below.
SCSI Inquiry 0x12
SCSI Request Sense 0x3
SCSI Read Capacity 0x25
SCSI Read 10 0x28
SCSI Mode Sense 6 0x1A
SCSI Mode Select 6 0x15
SCSI Test Unit Ready 0x00
SD Card Partition Table:
The SD card will try to mimic a hard disk.
The MBR is located at offset 0x0, size is 512 bytes.
boot code (first 446 bytes)
partition #1 0x1BE (each partition is 16 bytes)
MBR partition #2
partition #3
partition #4
0xaa55 0x1FE (signature)
Partition table info: (from offset 0x1BE)
0x00 0x80 if bootable, else 0x0
0x01 start of partition in CHS
0x04 type of partition
0x05 end of partition
0x08 relative offset to the partition in LBA (Partition LBA begin)
0x0C size of the partition
For example, if the relative offset in LBA is 0x2000, it means the start of the boot sector is 0x2000.
At 0x2000, it is the FAT boot record (if formatted in FAT file system).
For example, FAT32 boot record:
0x00 3 bytes 0xeb0090 jump instruction
0x03 8 bytes MSDOS5.0 OEM name
0x0B 2 bytes 0x0200 bytes per sector
0x0D 1 byte 0x08 sectors per cluster
0x0E 2 bytes 0x20 number of reserved sector (usually 0x20)
0x10 1 byte 0x2 number of FATs
0x11 2 bytes N/A
0x13 2 bytes N/A
0x15 1 byte 0xF8 media descriptors(F8 for hard disk)
0x16 2 bytes N/A
0x18 2 bytes sectors per track
0x1A 2 bytes number of heads
0x24 4 bytes sectors per FAT
0x2C 4 bytes root directory first cluster
0x5A 420 bytes bootstrap code
0x1fe 2 bytes 0x55aa end of boot sector mark
Important info that are needed for accessing the FAT32 filesystem:
(unsigned long)fat_begin_lba = Partition_LBA_Begin + Number_of_Reserved_Sectors;
(unsigned long)cluster_begin_lba = Partition_LBA_Begin + Number_of_Reserved_Sectors + (Number_of_FATs * Sectors_Per_FAT);
(unsigned char)sectors_per_cluster = sectors_per_cluster;
(unsigned long)root_dir_first_cluster = root_directory_first_cluster;